Monday, August 21, 2006

The Karlin Goes to the Doctor

So there we were enjoying a beautiful Sunday evening on the porch; when my friend decides that there is not enough popcorn at this Popcorn Time gathering. She asks if she can go and make some more popcorn; to which I answer "of course!" and I give her directions to where the little bags are stored.

The minutes pass and we are pleasantly engaged in other conversation when I detect this tiny voice calling out "um...guys...I think I'm bleeding". I turn to see my friend at the door, clutching her leg. She is putting a brave face on an otherwise pain-stricken expression. She had slipped in the kichen and injured her leg on an evil cabinet.

We jump to her aid and get her seated. We raise her pantleg to reveal a gaping wound. The skin is scraped up and is all stuffed up into a kind of puncture wound at the top. I can perform an appendectemy on myself, no problem, but I cannot handle the blood of other people at all. Luckily the crunched-up skin is keeping the bleeding to a minimum. There happens to be a nurse amongst our visitors this Sunday evening and she suggests we get my friend some stitches. She is whisked off to the doctors office for some fancy sewing.

I see this as the perfect opportunity to promote The Karlin (can you see it?--click on the photo for a larger image). 11 stitches or so later her leg is the first guest shot on the blog. I hope that the leg heals quickly and the scar is small.


Anonymous said...

That is one talented surgeon to make stitches like that. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

Just gross, man. I think I have a scar that says Karlin across my head from a certain hide-and-go-seek game in the mid-80s.

Randy said...

How the...?

Anonymous said...

...Haha, wow! I didn't know doctor's could do that! Karlin is now a fancing sucher job er docs can recommend for intricate stitching. Very cool. Next time I need some, I'll suggest it.

Anonymous said...
